HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

New ‘2nd tier’ member

Welcome to Stuart Anderson from Feilding. Taking up their group's 'second tier' seat at our next committee meeting. The more people we have in the room, the more sector transparency we have.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

Finance update

Analysis of last two years expenditure breakdown and projection for next Financial Year. The original budget still stands up (minus the COVID correction and new planned spending for 2021/22).

Will be reporting to FRONZ Conference' in June and happy to answer all $$$ questions.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

Congratulations Emmet

Congratulations to HTC Certifying Engineer Emmet Whelan on the birth of his new son. To focus on being Dad for a while he is pausing in-person certification work for 6 months. He remains available for advice etc by phone and email.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

Reminder about Bulletin 582 process

Kia ora team,

A clarification on Bulletin 582 unregistered tow jobs posted on our website just now.

If you aspire to move an unregistered vehicle on the National Network you must follow the process outlined in Bulletin 582.

In addition to any KiwiRail commercial argrangemts for your unregistered tow, you must also contact engineering Access Provision Provider, Sheena McGuire. Ph 027 227 7780 or email

Our committee does not have a formal role within the Bulletin 582 process, but if the applicant is a Heritage Network Signatory, the Access Provider and the Regulator may contact us as part of their assessment processes as per notes 2 and 3 below:

If you are intending on using FRONZ PL insurances for an unregistered tow this step of the process is essential.

(2). NZTA – consider if the requestor is competent to assess mechanical fitness.

(3) Vehicle Provider – Gain Fit for Travel Certificate from an Approved Assessor for the mechanical standard being applied.

A. Fronz Assessor

B. KiwiRail Assessor

Bulletin 582 . 29 July 2011.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

Preparing for second committee meeting of 2021.

  • Note David Webb's message about 22 March deadline for meeting papers, submissions and applications.

  • Committee members, we have a full agenda with plenty of pre-reading for you to do before the meeting. David will have all meeting papers in our Slack Channel for you this coming week. Please engage.

  • Operators, reminder of the place at the committee table for you. Each operator can send a non-voting member to HTC Committee. These 'second tier' members of our committee are all about increasing transparency to the sector and about succession planning for future full committee members.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

Latest Committee Meeting

Ngā mihi nui. A productive first Committee Meeting for 2021 today. Welcome to new ‘2nd tier’ members, Steve Falvey from MSHT and Aaron Wong from GVR. Also to new committee member Stewart Gutsell.

Chair and Secretary are working together tomorrow on the paperwork and follow-ups from the meeting. Look out for comms coming to you next week covering:

Code reviews

Carriage doors, gates, and gangways

Clarification of change process

Record keeping obligations

…and more.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

2021 is underway

Here we go with 2021. The first HTC CPEng Engineers' meeting of the year was held this morning. On Friday we have the first 2021 full committee meeting face-to-face in Wellington. On Saturday Chair & Secretary meet to process workflow from the Friday meeting.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

New Committee Members

Good news for succession planning and capacity building, so that National Network Heritage can remain running for the long term.

The FRONZ Exec' have appointed Stewart Gutsell to the long-vacant second CPEng seat on our committee.

They have also endorsed Aaron Wong from GVR and Steve Falvey from MSHT as the first two 'Second Tier' Rep's from Signatory Groups.

The team is getting stronger and more diverse.

Thanks to Stewart, Aaron, and Steve for investing your time, skills, and knowledge into our sector.

Other operators, send your nominees to FRONZ. A seat is reserved for each of you.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

Weekend Work Update

Kia ora,

Tomorrow is a Saturday Workday for Chair and Secretary. We are getting together to develop a refreshed FRONZ Codes layout/template and feed in content as a prototype for the Air Receiver Draft Code. The first time the dust has been blown off of these codes for many years #reset.

Ngā mihi


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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

The Return of Da 1410

We are pleased to report that Heritage Diesel Electric Locomotive Da 1410 has joined the National Network Heritage Fleet. Well done to Peter and the team at Steam Inc. for a high quality, comprehensive restoration.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

HTC Committee Member wins international award.

Congratulations to HTC Committee Member, Andrew Hunt. The winner of the 2020 RTSA Railway Professional of the Year Award.

From the RTSA website - This award recognises:

  • Career work achievements.

  • Contribution to well-being of people and the wider Railway Community.

  • Pioneering in the innovative use of innovative technologies and/or methods.

  • Leadership and mentoring of younger railway professionals.

  • Contribution to and promotion of the railway engineering profession.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

Collaborative problem solving

Another productive meeting this afternoon at Waka Kotahi with Steam Inc., HTC, KiwiRail, and FRONZ, collaboratively designing a process for closing feedback loops when issues arise during Section 28 Notice removal applications. Thanks to Waka Kotahi for hosting.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

A review of the Bulletin 582 processes.

Bulletin 582 is the document which governs the the process for ‘one-off’ towing of unregistered vehicles on the National Rail Network. We had a positive and productive meeting this morning to take a fresh look at the Bulletin 582 process, since it was issued in 2011. Another example for the collaborative approach to continuous improvement between HTC, KiwiRail, Waka Kotahi, FRONZ and Rail Ltd. Thanks to KiwiRail for hosting.

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

New date for HTC/Rail Ltd. Vehicle Inspector Training

Kia ora,

Due to unavailability of course tutors this course has been moved to 1 November.

Venue is Steam Inc. at Paekakariki. Start time 9am. Finish time 4pm.

Thanks to sponsorship from FRONZ, KiwiRail and Waka Kotahi 50% of travel expenses for attendees will be covered.

All current and aspiring Rail Ltd and Internal Inspectors, who complete B Series Annual Inspection Forms are required to attend.

To register for this course please use this form. If you registered for the original course date you don’t need to register again.

All attendees need to send:

-A letter of endorsement of competence to undertake this role from their ‘home group’

-A resume (one page) outlining skills, qualifications, experience and knowledge relevant to the role of Inspector.

Further info’ needed? Contact

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HTC Secretary HTC Secretary

Committee Meeting 17 July

It all begins with an idea.

The committee are together again in Wellington on 17 July.

Key agenda items are:

-Drafting a revised NRSS 11 Terms of Reference (TOR) for the HTC taking into account submissions made during the recent consultation period.

-Further work on revising the FRONZ Code for Air Receivers.

-Confirmation of final draft of revised FRONZ NDT Code for drawgear.

-Review of Bulletin 582 Unregistered Tow processes.

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